Saturday, March 29, 2008
The other day I remembered an event in Italy to recount, but sadly, I've already forgotten what it was. Garn.
At least the one thing I'll remember was the time at which we were all waiting for the results. The room at that point was filled with varying emotions, I think. On one side there was the round table with Boss, Ann, WY, YT, Gnia, Sheena etc. where they were all emoing and staring at his handphone, waiting for the results.
XM, XT, DX and me were laughing about goodness knows what at the next table, but like I said, my laughter was my method of staving off nervousness. No point getting extra depressed before you know anything.
Then suddenly the TV in the place was showing this music video with a man and woman doing kung-fu against each other. Bryan said it would end up in sex, which it apparently implied later on. The moment it switched mode, I quickly turned away, "see no evil", only to see EVERYONE on that side of the room watching the video! Even the 14 year olds! It was disgraceful!
I got a bit hysterical at seeing them all stare at the screen, but to no avail. So the mood was less tense. It also got more light-hearted after we sang Happy Birthday to Caleb. Then suddenly Ms Yang came to talk to us, first stating that the results were still unknown. At that point we were all feeling less stressed because the results were taking so long.
Then she said, "but we will not be performing tonight." I didn't really get it at first, and then I understood that was the thing we were all hoping against hope for, and that one line destroyed whatever sliver of hope anyone might have had. And it was quiet in the room.
She talked a bit more about dinnertime, meeting time, what to wear, etc. I was telling myself not to cry, because I hadn't really expected to win the category, and crying in front of everyone is such a paiseh thing to do. I was actually holding up well. And then Boss put his head on his arm, and someone whispered, "Conan's crying."
That sentence did it, I think. Because then the people at that emo table, including me who had gone over there were all red-eyed, and the girls were mostly crying. I suppose the guys were better at keeping it in. WY, Ann, YT, Gnia, LC, me... XM was extremely strong about it, I feel.
I felt annoyed with myself for crying, but once you let your face crumple into the distorted likeness of crying, it's very hard to stop. Of course the teachers continued with the whole 'we already did well', 'not about the prize', 'Ms Lim is proud of you' stuff. Every single word was true, and not a single word neutralised the disappointment at all.
After that, we went to the nearby gelato store to buy gelato to make ourselves feel a bit better. Then I don't know why LC walked off by himself, then Gnia went to make sure he was ok, and me and XM had our ice-cream in a place sheltered from the cold wind.
I'm okay with the fact that we were so upset. Even though it may make us seem like people who only care about winning as opposed to making music, I think it shows our care and love for the choir. It also doesn't mean that we're satisfied with ourselves, because there's always room for improvement.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Before I spam more about Italy, just one note: PLEASE TAG. It makes me very happy to see people tag, and surprised when people say, "Oh yeah, I read it on your blog." If you read this nonsense I type, then tag! Don't care what, just tag something! Otherwise the poor tagbox will feel sad. Aww.
I am blogging secretly, now that my parents are asleep. I've also spent the past 15 minutes adding to the list of links to choir people on the lefthand side. I thought maybe I'd reminisce about some random interesting-er stuff that happened. But I have a lousy memory.
- TNT was sitting at the back of the bus singing and stuff. Then it stopped to let people go to the supermarket. Some of us were left, and continued making up random acapella parts to famous songs! Until Boss came in with totally wrong bass, then I 'threw tomatoes' at him; ended up getting a cut on the grille on the bus ceiling!
- After which proceeded "Abuse Sixuan Time with TNT" on Channel Italia. XM already told me earlier that I'd never be cool. Sheena reiterated it on the bus. XM was deafeningly silent in assent. Both LC and YJ mentioned H3! G'nia said I was 'so smart' in such a tone that I protested, then proceeded to say, "I wasn't being sarcastic, you PIG!" Boss even mentioned H3 during the comm meeting later on. Humph.
- Sheena had something to tell Boss and LC, so we went after XM made me take in pipagao. I couldn't swallow, so as we were searching for the right room, I had to gesture like a madwoman! Boss was there, but not LC, so off we went again. Then we finally found LC in Ann's room, and went to the correct room! As we got back, Boss was bathing! What perfect timing. So the 3 of us sat forlornly outside the room beside the heater. I also koped chrysanthemum from CJ and Bryan's room! I think DF and Michael's aircon was spoilt. Then after the talk, we kindly gave our water to the guys because goodness knows where LC misplaced theirs. HA!
- I was acting cross with some people while walking to the bus, so Jiayi and Tabitha came and linked their arms through mine, telling me not to be cross! So cute! Then we walked together like that all the way to the bus! Even though there were times I feared we could not walk through, we managed it! Woohoo!
- On the bus to the airport, I wanted to get out from the back to where the Fruits Basket group were talking, because everyone else was sleeping! Then just at the moment when I stepped into the aisle, the bus jerked forward! Then Bryan has to say that I got good timing! Anyway, Clarissa told a good joke about a madman.
- Then I went to the front where the Great4 were. Imagine: Boss and Boss Niang on the left seriously discussing Cantabile stuff. On the right, the 2 SCs laughing their heads off over NOTHING. Even after I asked pathetically why G'nia hadn't come back, she just stared at me and laughed! Stupid LC didn't help, but laughed some more! Then G'nia wouldn't shove in to let me sit and talk to Boss. I threatened to sit on her, and she promptly wouldn't let me tug off her jacket, but grabbed LC's bag and put it on her lap! Then LC told me not to defile his bag!
That's all for now. My parents are telling me to go sleep. Sigh. I love Italy. I love NJChoir even more.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Today is Easter Sunday! Labels: church
It would have been cool to be in Italy, particularly Vatican City, this week, since it's Holy Week and all.
Unfortunately, I fell asleep during the sermon because I was really tired from the trip and jetlag and drowsiness-causing-medicine.
I also missed Good Friday service because I was on the plane. Hmph.
My brother accused me of sleeping for more than 12 hours from Friday night to Saturday morning. I have come up with an adequate defence. Assuming I need 7 hours of sleep per night, adding together Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night, that totals 21 hours.
I slept for about 2 hours on Wednesday night. And for Friday, I'm estimating about 5 hours of sleep on the entire plane ride. Of course, no sleep in Dubai Airport. And I slept about 14 hours on Friday night. Hence, it totals 21 hours. I am justified.
But anyway, I love Easter. It's the season for us to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross, and that His resurrection gives us a living hope.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
What is there to say? YJ says that my blog is always very detailed, but if I were to recount everything that happened, there won't be enough space on the Internet page. So I think maybe I'll just list down some of what I'm thankful for in this trip. In short form :)
- Glorious weather that I prayed so hard for, thank you God.
- Gardens, gondolas, grand churches and statues.
- Gelato, enough to make you sick!
- GOLD, which we won.
Choir Comm 2007-08!
Haha, this is our official 全家幅.
Thanks so much for all the hard work put in by everyone, whether it was doing admin or music stuff or keeping the choir disciplined.
You guys are simply a joy to work with.My amazing, adorable, amiable, always absolutely awesome ALTOS!
Even though there were only 14 of us, and we're the section that's always forgotten (when Ms Lim told us to rest on the 16th) or shortchanged (when we had to sing O Magnum in E minor), even though we're constantly made to help, especially Xuemin (O Magnum, Jap Game, Bal-laygi), WE STILL ROCK THE MOST!
We're also the section with the most comm members. LOL.
Group 6, a.k.a Group PPK, a.k.a Group Polo!
Thanks to Michael our group leader, Dian Feng the residential chicken, and the 3 SLs in our group! Woohoo!
We are the most enthu group, cos we always all answer when roll call is taken for Group VI!
Xuemin, why aren't you wearing the hoodie?
TNT!!! It's a pity we didn't get much singing together time, but at least we still had tons of fun on the bus!
Every single member of TNT has bullied me through action and inaction. Hmph.
I forgive you guys anyway, but one more time I hear "H3" and you're all screwed.
Thanks to the entire NJChoir for all the hard effort put into this competition. Although I'm sure we were all disappointed, but at least we can say that we achieved something, and I'm proud that we were able to bond closer together as a choir. Dona Nobis Pacem!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I've almost finished packing, what a Herculean task!
I realised a lot of people were groaning in disbelief last week or so when it was announced that they were expected to wear only school shirts throughout the trip. Anyway, CJ said not to worry because "no one has 7 school shirts, and she can't fault you for wearing other shirts."
Actually, if you think about it, you only need 4 shirts because it's cold enough to wear one for 2 days. Hence, the juniors can wear their 2 Orientation Step-Up and 2 PE t-shirts. Not that I'm demanding it of anyone, of course.
Funnily though, that inspired me to go home and count how many school shirts I own (yes, I'm that free). I think the total number of wearable school shirts comes up to about 16.
Let's see:
2 PE (old+new)
2 NJ Polo (guy S, M)
2 La Famiglia (white+black)
1 Cultural Mapping
1 05IP05 Class tee
1 Aqua House tee
2 Wassup IP (S, M)
2 Odyssey (white+black)
1 Azara
Choir Polo (05-06)
Choir Polo (06-07)
This does not include the unwearable NJ Polo and Aqua House tees that are too small. Plus I've lost some PE t-shirts along the way. Ridiculous, really, the amount of t-shirts one accumulates in NJC. I'm sure my classmates who've been OGLs for 2006 and 2008 have another 7 more shirts or so.
Therefore, I actually am wearing all school shirts to Italy. It's basically pointless though, since we'll probably be wearing another 2 layers on top at any one time.
Today, people in chem class asked me if I'm excited to be going. Truth be told, I don't feel the excitement. It'll probably only come at the airport. It's likely because I've already been to Italy with the choir in 2006, and to Korea with the KSA people in 2007. School trips are fun!
I'm going to miss many things - my family, schoolmates, my laptop, my DBSK, Palm Sunday, Good Friday service, chicken rice, etc.
5 more hours till I have to be at the airport. I pray that everyone will be safe, no luggage will be lost, no one will get sick, and we can perform something we will be proud of.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I'm starting to feel the excitement of going!
Yesterday I met Xuemin at Coronation to photocopy our Alto Revision Notes for the trip. It was raining quite badly, and on the way to the bus stop I got wet from knee down! Not to mention I stepped in an icky puddle as well. Yuck.
We met Phoebe at Coronation! What a surprise. And we saw Yun Tian and Chantik get off the same bus. So we waited till we were in the stairway to the hall before bursting into an extremely in-tune rendition of Happy Birthday to Yun Tian.
Choir practice was not very good, I felt. We only had 90 minutes, the first 10 of which was spent scotchtaping the new informal grouping list to each of the booklets. My killer headache from the moment I stepped out the house was still ongoing. Brings to mind the expression "going cross-eyed with pain".
Then the choir was so restless, and poor Eugenia had to keep scolding them, but she's not very fierce, so they didn't manage to stay properly disciplined for long. It's as if they have the attention span of a potato. Half a potato, maybe. Collectively.
So we ended late at about 7.10, and then rushed down to eat our chicken rice, supposedly supposed to be back by 7.25 sharp, which was rather an impossibility.
My sister replaced my parents at the parents' briefing session by the tour agency (Thank You!), and I wasn't even listening for the first half because we had to distribute the letters, reply slips, collect the $50 etc. Questions were raised about money to bring, warm clothing, etc.
My poor sister had to wait, because we had to distribute the revision notes, get the red packet with ziploc bag, celebrate Yun Tian's birthday, etc. It was general chaos in LT2. And Boss was rather short-tempered about the extra letters because he kept asking where they were, I kept pointing at the same place everytime he asked; I don't know why he didn't just go there to where Eunice2 was pointing as well.
Then after I pointed for the last time Ek Ping brought it to the front, then he just huffed and snatched two letters and stalked off. Hmph.
Anyway, my sister drove us home, and she finally got her spaghetti! She's so easily pleased!
Today my parents came home from Italy, but I'd already left for school. 4 hours of literature. 3 hours with Ms Chua in LT2 delving into the Heart of Darkness while everyone else was having choir. Not Fair.
What's more, I thought it was ok because I'd go to HC for the performing, but then it was cancelled. Then I chiong-ed out of LT2 to see the J1s outside the ava, talking to them until one of them kindly told me that the comm was meeting Ms Lim at the raintree. Goodness knows how I didn't see them in the process of chionging.
We went to eat lunch at the market, and it started to rain awfully. So Papa fetched me home, dropping Sonia, DF and Eunice2 at the Rifle Range bus stop. After which ensued a tough time of packing into a bit-too-small luggage case, and deciding which jackets to bring.
I still haven't finished packing! Eep. I'll be at Changi Airport, T1, Row 2 in 24 hours. Ooh.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Today we had choir again for 4 hours, extra 40 minutes for the soloists. It was really quite tiring to have to keep standing, and I felt surprised at my own weakness. I actually asked LC if the altos could sit down. Labels: choir
In my slight defense, we weren't doing anything because he was tuning the guys and the sops had gone out to do their part. Perhaps we should have gone out and done something productive as well, but I don't really know what we would have done anyway. Hmm.
Also, I stood more than other people, because during the so-called break time, I had to show the powerpoint slides for Hainan and Yver, and talk about the whole song as well, while the rest sat down.
I actually didn't mean to talk at all, just to let them look at the nice pictures for some visual imagery. I ended up talking a lot more, and the more I talked, the dryer my mouth and throat became. Pity that airconditioning makes the air dry.
After that my sister took me to the Australian Universities Medicine and Health Sciences showing at Orchard Hotel. My father told us to look at New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, Sydney and Melbourne.
Only after we reached there did we understand that it was meant more for the people who received their 'A' Level results yesterday. Surprisingly, we saw Andrew, Silvia and Ernest there. And I was the only person wearing school uniform there. Heh.
After taking multiple prospectuses from the different universities, and inquiring a little about the courses offered, we went to eat at Genki Sushi. I think it's more expensive than Sakae Sushi.
I really don't want to go overseas to study medicine. Besides the fact that it takes longer, partially because results come out too late for their February intake, and their course is also one year longer. meaning that I'd have to enter in 2010, study until 2016, and do an internship for another year, it's much more expensive than NUS.
Furthermore, I'm the least independent person in Singapore, I'm sure. I can't cook, clean, do laundry, etc. I even feel extremely accomplished when I go to the doctor by myself.
I think I'm still very much a child. Strange sentiments for someone who's turning 18 in May, but it's probably true. Let's have a look at today.
I (and Sheena) shrieked at CJ for swearing today. My sister said something to the effect of me needing her to bring me everywhere and do stuff for me, like talking to the university representatives about the medicine course. When watching Heroes with my younger sister, I was confused about the company's motives, and I asked whether they were "good or bad."
Optimistically, I could be considered idealistic. Humm-dee-dum. You know when people suddenly get all serious about stuff like, they'll have this serious/concerned look on their face and ask in a low voice something like "What happened to so-and-so", or "I think something's wrong with so-and-so" or whatever.
I dislike this kind of seriousness, when people act as if the event in question were of national importance. I'm not saying certain things are to be joked about or taken lightly, but do people have to be so... solemn about it?
And honestly, sometimes I think the situation isn't really much to be worried about. For goodness sake, why should you care if whoever broke up with whoever in a big fight? Why are you discussing whether anyone has financial problems?
I think it's nice that they're showing concern for their friends, but sometimes I think people make mountains out of molehills. Even if it's a serious matter, then after discussing it it's not as if they do anything about whatever it is.
Curiosity is well and good, but maybe we should leave the somberness to things that are really important.
Friday, March 7, 2008
It's finally the end of Term I of my last year in NJC. How time flies.
Today we managed to finish watching The Island during GP - very exciting show!
More interestingly, today was the release of the 2007 'A' Level results, and as usual, we went to the balcony in the hall to witness this annual event. 3 top scorers with about 8 distinctions each, I think. This year is especially different, since it's the first batch of IP students who have taken the 'A' Levels. My friends also received their H1 Chinese results; congrats to YJ for his A!
I was able to see so many seniors again, Deborah, Chengluan, Zhirui, Xingqun, Jensen, Xian Yong, Tammy, Phoebe, Cil, Mae Yue, Zi Jiang, John, Gabriel, Bifang, Hong Yi, Chuwen, Hui Juin... Of course, we've been seeing Yingxuan and Xiang Ting regularly as well.
There's less than a week left to our Italy trip, I almost can't believe it's arriving so soon. Worse, i feel very unprepared, but that's because we've barely had 10 weeks of learning.
I also just realised that I've been loaded with a lot of homework, and there's virtually no time to do it in the supposed March Holidays. Help!
Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities